Project partners:
Gymnázium Ústavní (Czech Republic), Educational Institution – Vocational Training (Secondary School) – Coordinator
Foilservice s.r.l. – FOIL (Italy), Small & Medium sized enterprise – Partner
Black Sea Center of Excellence (Bulgaria), Non-Profit organization/Social Entrprise – Partner


Gymnázium Ústavní – Prague, Czec Republic 

The state Secondary School Gymnazium, Ústavní was founded in 1990. The school provides students with two types of studies, eight-year study in the Czech section (for pupils after the fifth grade of primary schools) and six-year bilingual education in the Czech-Italian section (for pupils of the seventh grade of primary schools), in which selected subjects are studied in Italian (Italian literature, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics). Study programs in the Italian language are finished by a school leaving exam, which is recognized in both the Czech Republic and Italy. The Czech-Italian section was founded in 1991, based on an international agreement between governments of the two republics. Our school is attended by 650 students, it employs 60 qualified teachers, P

Gymnàzium Ústavni – Czec Republic

Foilservice srl –  Marudo (LO), Italy

Foilservice srl – Italy is a consulting and training company founded in Milan in 2001. Its core-business is to provide entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, managers and senior executives with the skills necessary to deal effectively with the human element and, most of all, with the social dimension of the company, achieving business success in the process, enhancing innovation, managing change. Foilservice has nowadays two main target groups: entrepreneurs and young people entering the job market. The Foil trainers have significant professional experience gained both in Italy and abroad, have an in-depth expertise in their specific field of action as well as a solid background in managerial psychology, organizational psychology. Foilservice stands out also for its international outreach and the strong interdisciplinary character of its training. Foilservice didactic has been tested for over twenty years and, during this period, its results have been disseminated in a large number of publications and conferences.

The headquarters of the company Foilservice Ltd., Marudo, Italy

Black Sea Centre of Excellence (BSCE)Bulgaria 

Black Sea Centre has been acting as a non-governmental organization (NGO) since 2011. Its mission is “empower people to make the difference”. The main objectives of BSCE are as follows: educate – provide opportunities for specialists in different economic branches, high school students, employed and unemployed to improve their qualification and to expand their knowledge; consolidate – maintain a database with current information regarding specialists as a resource for the community and business; stimulate – the creative potential of specialists by providing a forum to discuss and solve local problems through workshops and seminars; manage projects -prepare and manage community projects.

Black Sea Centre of Excellence (BSCE) – Bulgaria