Details make perfection and perfection is not a detail”
Michelangelo Buonarroti

 What are the main ideas on which this project is based?

The project draws on an internationally recognized, successful experience: the Made in Italy. The origins, root causes, characteristics, secrets, points of strength of the brand get all studied on the ground, practically, both in a technical sense (‘knowing how to do’), and in terms of personality profiles and lifestyle of its representatives (‘knowing how to be’). 

The “Made in Italy” brand, with its history of centuries of highly skilled work, top level craftsmanship and entrepreneurial projects of different sizes, was used as a background and a case study to stimulate entrepreneurial skills. We tried to retrieve a know-how that could subsequently be transposed and developed in different cultures and in different fields of activity, based on the student’s individual ambitions, potential and the needs of the society they live in. This project was an opportunity to share a “know-how” aimed at mutual enrichment of young people coming from different countries: an exchange of knowledge and practices with a view of developing a new spirit of enterprise by the young participants.

From “Made in Italy to Made in…”

More specifically, the goals is also to enhance in the young the consciousness of cultural and socio-economic identity of their countries and the interconnections with the identities of other participating European countries. “From Made in Italy to Made in”, that is internationalizing the quality of Italian expertise through occasions of sharing a know-how for a reciprocal development of young people from different countries.

The project also contributes to the improvement of the quality of youth work, to raising awareness about values such as ethics of work, importance of apprenticeship, responsibility for results, quest for excellence: exchange of knowledge and good practices in order to evolve a new entrepreneurial spirit in the young.